June 19, 2017
Copenhagen Central School has an anticipated opening for
the 2017 – 2018 for a full time Physical Education Teacher. NYS certification is required. Interested
applicants must ...

June 9, 2017
June 12 - 20, 2017 - Cafeteria Clean Up Week Menu Available Here!!

June 8, 2017
On Tuesday, June 6th, 6 students were inducted into the Copenhagen Junior Honor Society. These students have shown to be leaders of their class with both academics and character....

June 5, 2017
Please note some end of the school year dates. Also check with your child's teacher for any other specific dates pertaining to your child. Please call the school if you have any...

June 5, 2017
Click HERE for more information about summer school offerings at Carthage and Lowville School Districts. If you have have any further questions OR are interested in summer schoo...

June 2, 2017
SPAULDING/SHAMBO BASKETBALL CAMP LOCATION : Copenhagen Central School \r\n \r\n START DATE : Wednesday, July 5th \r\n \r\n END DATE : Wednesday, July 26th \r\n \r\n***All sess...

June 2, 2017
The Annual Middle School Awards Ceremony will be held on Monday, June 19th @ 1:15 in Gym A.

June 1, 2017
Late yesterday we received word from Public Health that the suspected case of chicken pox was a false alarm . Results from the test came back negative. We would like to thank...

May 31, 2017
Copenhagen girls' soccer will be holding a can drive this Saturday, June 3rd, in the back parking lot at school. Please come out and support the program by dropping off a bag or ...

May 31, 2017
There are extra yearbooks for purchase. The cost is $45 each. Checks are payable to Copenhagen Central School. Please contact Lori Griffin at 315-688-4411 or lgriffin@ccsknigh...

May 25, 2017
7-12 Social Studies Teacher
NYS certification is required. Interested applicants must send application (www.ccsknights.org ), letter of interest, resume᾽ and college credential...

May 25, 2017
Attention Parents:
Please be aware that there is possibility of a case of Chicken Pox ( Varicella Zoster ) at Copenhagen Central School. The school should be officially no...

May 25, 2017
Copenhagen's Community Creation Station is excited to announce a two part course in "Fundamentals of Photography" to be held June 13 & 15. Follow this link for full details and a ...

May 23, 2017
Thursday, May 25th from 5:30-7:30 C.C.S. Tennis Courts Proceeds to benefit the Staab Family. Click HERE for more details.
May 22, 2017
Coach Day's modified baseball game will now be played AT LaFargeville today, 4:30 start. MG and Coach Randall's modified games are CANCELLED and now be played on Wednesday, May 3...
May 22, 2017
CCS Art Department is celebrating the wonderful art that our CCS students have been creating all year long. The work will include students in Grades 8 - 12 and feature several of ...

May 18, 2017
There will be no school for students or staff on Friday, May 26th. Enjoy your extended Memorial Day Weekend!
May 17, 2017
Just a reminder that pick-up for the Class of 2022 Flower Sale will be tomorrow, May 18 from 4:00-6:00 in the back parking lot.

May 17, 2017
The 2017 - 2018 Budget passed 91 - 13. Congratulations to Mr. Alfred Tomaselli who ran unapposed as a Board of Education Member and was elected for another five years with 90 vo...