Copenhagen Central School District's developed AIS plan includes student performance measures to be utilized by teachers and school administrators for proper service eligibility and placement. Parents/guardians are asked to contact their child's principal with any questions or concerns relating to the eligibility for AIS.
Academic Intervention Services Eligibility
Upon enrollment and whenever there are changes, parents/guardians will be required to provide the Copenhagen Central School District with up-to-date information regarding their child’s medical conditions, including any allergies the child may have and any emergency medications prescribed for potential anaphylaxis. The parents/guardians will work in conjunction with the school district and the child’s medical provider to complete the documents required for any allergy that the child may have. These documents will guide all staff in the necessary actions to take during an allergic or anaphylactic reaction. The school district will keep these documents and any emergency medications in a designated area known to all staff members and will ask for updated paperwork when necessary.
Parents/guardians should contact the CCS Nurse for assistance with individualized concerns about anaphylaxis.
APPR of teachers and principals
New York State Education Law requires each classroom teacher and school principal to receive an annual professional performance review (APPR) that results in a composite effectiveness score and rating. All parents/guardians have the right to obtain the APPR quality ratings and composite effectiveness scores for their child’s current teacher(s) and principal(s) once they are available. The district will provide parents and legal guardians with an oral or written explanation of the composite effectiveness scoring ranges for final quality ratings, and an opportunity to understand such scores in the context of teacher evaluation and student performance.
Asbestos Notice
Copenhagen Central School District is required to maintain an Asbestos management plan which details planned inspections, response actions and post response plans.
Plans can be reviewed at the CCS District Office.
Copenhagen Central School District's policy referenced below describes the district’s student attendance policy.
Boy Scouts Equal Access Act
Copenhagen Central School District is committed to providing equal access to the use of school property to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups listed as a patriotic society in Title 36 of the US Code intended to serve young people under the age of 21.
Breakfast after the Bell
All schools with at least 70% of students eligible for free or reduced price meals under the federal National School Lunch Program must provide notice to parents and guardians that the school will be offering breakfast to all students after the instructional day has begun. Copenhagen Central School District falls just short of 50% of students eligible for free or reduced price meals, meaning that this citation is not applicable to our district.
Bullying and Harassment
You should never feel that it is not safe for you to come to school and participate in all school activities. You should never be prevented from concentrating on your schoolwork because another student or a school staff member is teasing you, making fun of you, pushing you around, or threatening you in some way, because of your actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin (where your family comes from), ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender (including gender identity or expression), or sex, or for any other reason.
You may not act toward another student in a way that might reasonably make them feel threatened or unsafe, or that might reasonably make them unable to concentrate on their schoolwork because of what you might think about their race, color, weight, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender (including gender identity or expression), sex, or for any other reason. It is against school rules for any student or staff member to do this by physical actions or by verbal statements, including electronic messages. This kind of conduct is prohibited on school property, on school buses, and at all school functions.
You should report acts of bullying, discrimination, harassment and other inappropriate actions that harm others to your Dignity Act Coordinator.
Copenhagen CSD Dignity Act Coordinator:
Pam Ratliff, Elementary Principal
Child Abuse
Do You Suspect Abuse or Maltreatment? Report it Now!
Call our Statewide Toll Free Telephone Number: 1-800-342-3720
If you are deaf or hard of hearing, call TDD/TTY at 1-800-638-5163 or have your Video Relay System provider call 1-800-342-3720.
If you believe that a child is in immediate danger, call 911 or your local police department.
Visit the NYS Office of Children and Family Services website for more information.
Reporting Child Abuse & Maltreatment and Available Resources for Families
Section 100.2(nn) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education requires each public school and charter school to post the toll-free telephone number (800-342-3720) in English and Spanish of the State Central Registry operated by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS).
OCFS has invested in primary child abuse prevention programs and services that support the well-being of children and families in New York State.
The New York State Education Department also recommends that school districts post the following for students, families, and staff in the same manner described in section 100.22(nn):
HEARS Family Line (888-554-3277) will assist families by providing resources and referrals to various services, including food, clothing, housing, medical and behavioral healthcare, parenting education, and childcare.
In addition, the following may be available in your community:
Family Resource Centers and Family Opportunity Centers provide families with access to programs and resources they need to build protective factors and help their children thrive.
The New York City Children’s Services offers Family Enrichment Centers in every borough.
For more information regarding preventive services in your community, contact (855)-554-3277.
Child Nutrition Programs
The Copenhagen Central School District participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), a federally-assisted meal program providing nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches to children each school day. Further information and applications for the Free/Reduced Price Meals Program are available on this website and below. Applications can be returned to our Food Service Director.
Code of Conduct
The Safe School Against Violence in Education (SAVE) and Section 100.2[1] of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education require that each school district adopt a written policy on school conduct and discipline. The Code of Conduct is available on this website and can be referenced below. The Code of Conduct applies to all students, school personnel, parents and other visitors when on school property or attending any school function.
Concussions and Tackle Football
New York state requires tackle football programs to provide information about concussions and sub-concussive blows, and the injuries that might occur as a result of such blows, to the parents/guardians of all children participating in tackle football programs. Although the Copenhagen Central School District does not offer tackle football for a sporting program, the District is providing this information to build awareness of the risks of concussion and other brain injuries.
English Language Learners ENL Bilingual Placement
All children who enroll in the Copenhagen Central School District are screened for inclusion in the ENL program.
The Home Language Questionnaire is included with registration materials by the central registrar. It is completed after enrollment has concluded but before they leave the registration meeting.
If the language spoken at home is other than English or the student's native language is other than English, qualified personnel conducts a formal interview with the student. Qualified personnel are defined as a Bilingual Education or ESOL teacher, or a teacher trained in cultural competency, language development and the needs of English Language Learners. If necessary, the interview is conducted in the student's native language.
If the student speaks a language other than English, or speaks little or no English, qualified personnel administer the New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners (NYSITELL). Qualified personnel are defined as a Bilingual Education or ESOL teacher, or a teacher trained in cultural competency, language development and the needs of English Language Learners.
If a student scores at the Entering (Beginning), Emerging (Low Intermediate), Transition (Intermediate), or Expanding (Advanced level), the student is placed in the stand-alone-free-standing ENL program.
Each spring students are assessed using the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT).
Parents/guardians of students identified for the ENL program will be afforded a parent conference at least once per year but more frequently if requested.
Graduation Ceremonies
New York State Education Law requires the Copenhagen Central School District to inform students and parents/guardians of the district’s policy that all eligible students are allowed to participate in a high school graduation ceremony and associated graduation activities with their graduating class. This includes students who have been awarded a Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential (SACC) or Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential (CDOS).
Health Information Privacy
Although the Copenhagen Central School District does not house a health clinic that provides treatment to a non-student or to students outside the realm of the educational day, the District will honor the Board of Education's policy on health information privacy and ensure HIPAA practices are followed.
Homeless Students
The New York State Technical and Education Assistance Center for Homeless Students (NYS-TEACHS) provides materials on its website that schools can use to provide information about educational services for homeless students:
Copenhagen Central School District has information related to this on district registration forms. The liaison contact is CCS' School Social Worker.
The Copenhagen Central School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, military status or any other protected status in its educational programs, employment or any other activities. Further, it is unlawful for an employer to retaliate against any individual because that person filed a complaint, opposed any unlawful practice or testified or assisted in an investigation or proceeding. Any inquiries and complaints regarding non-discrimination in the district may be referred to the district's Civil Rights Compliance Officers:
Superintendent of Schools
Copenhagen Central School DistrictBuilding Principal
Copenhagen Central School District
Parent and Family Engagement
Copenhagen Central School District's policy referenced below describes the district’s use of Title I funds to improve educational opportunities for educationally deprived students, including English learners.
Parents Bill of Rights Regarding Student Data Privacy and Protection
The Copenhagen Central School District is committed to protecting the privacy and security of student, teacher and principal data. In accordance with New York Education Law § 2-d, the District wishes to inform the school community of the following:
A student's personally identifiable information cannot be sold or released for any commercial purposes.
Parents have the right to inspect and review the complete contents of their child's education record.
State and federal laws protect the confidentiality of personally identifiable information, and safeguards associated with industry standards and best practices, including but not limited to, encryption, firewalls, and password protection, must be in place when data is stored or transferred.
A complete list of all student data elements collected by the State is available for public review. You may also write to the Office of Information & Reporting Services, New York State Education Department, Room 863 EBA, 89 Washington Ave., Albany, New York 12234.
Parents have the right to have complaints about possible breaches of student data addressed. Complaints should be directed as follows, using this form:
Mr. Adam Zehr, Technology Director / Data Privacy Officer
P.O. Box 30 / 3020 Mechanic Street
Copenhagen, NY 13626
Complaints can also be directed, in writing, to the Chief Privacy Officer, New York State Education Department, 89 Washington Ave., Albany, New York 12234. Complaints may also be directed to the Chief Privacy Officer via email at:
Supplemental Information Regarding Third-Party Contractors
In the course of complying with its obligations under the law and providing educational services to District residents, the Copenhagen Central School District has entered into agreements with certain third-party contractors. Pursuant to such agreements, third-party contractors may have access to “student data” and/or “teacher or principal data,” as those terms are defined by law. Below, please find relevant information regarding these agreements:
For each contract the District enters into with a third-party contractor where the third-party contractor receives student data or teacher or principal data, include the following information:
the exclusive purposes for which the student data or teacher or principal data will be used;
how the third-party contractor will ensure that the subcontractors, persons or entities that the third-party contractor will share the student data or teacher or principal data with, if any, will abide by data protection and security requirements;
when the agreement expires and what happens to the student data or teacher or principal data upon expiration of the agreement;
if and how a parent, student, eligible student, teacher or principal may challenge the accuracy of the student data or teacher or principal data that is collected; and
where the student data or teacher or principal data will be stored (described in such a manner as to protect data security), and the security protections taken to ensure such data will be protected, including whether such data will be encrypted.
Pesticide Application Notice
In accordance with New York State Education Dept. Law, public schools must provide written notification 48 hours in advance of application if required. The District implements integrated pest management; pesticides are only applied upon express authorization of the District.
Promotion and Placement
Decisions about student promotion and placement are at the discretion of the principals. These decisions are guided by recommendations of teachers and staff members, past academic performance and parent/guardian input. Past academic performance refers to a variety of indicators of student achievement and growth. The district’s promotion and placement policy was adopted by the board of education following a review by the district administration.
Copenhagen Central School District's current accountability status is categorized as "in good standing." Therefore, the district is not in a state of receivership.
Student Achievement and Growth on State Tests
Individual student reports describing student performance on state tests are delivered to parents/guardians during the fall of each year.
Student Participation in Mandated Assessments
The "Every Student Succeeds Act" measures schools annually using data collected from federally mandated assessments in English, math, and science, in grades 3-8 plus social studies in high school. More information can be found at this LINK.
While parents/guardians can request, in writing, their student opt out of some assessments, it is required that 95% of students in each group take the appropriate state tests.
Student Privacy (Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment)
The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) governs the administration of students surveys, analysis or evaluation that concerns protected areas: political affiliations or beliefs of the student or the student’s parent/guardian; mental or psychological problems of the student or the student’s family; sexual behavior or attitudes; illegal, antisocial, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior; critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family relationships; legally-recognized privileged relationships such as those of lawyers, physicians, ministers; religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or student’s parent/guardian; income other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under such program. PPRA also concerns marketing surveys and other areas of student privacy, parental access to information, and the administration of certain physical examinations to minors. The requirements of PPRA do not apply to a survey administered to a student in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The rights provided to parents/guardians under PPRA transfer from the parent/ guardian to the student when the student turns 18 years old or is an emancipated minor under applicable state law. If a parent/guardian would like to opt-out of any of the above, they must contact the district's High School Principal.
Board Policy - Data Privacy
Board Policy - Health Privacy
Student Records: Directory Information
Consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the district has designated certain categories of personally identifiable student information that it may release without prior written consent. This is known as “directory information.” The purpose of doing this is to enable student activities and accomplishments to be publicized and for the creation of such publications as the annual yearbook, programs for graduations, concerts and other special events, sports activity sheets and honor roll or recognition lists. Achievements are typically published on the school website and through school district social media, press releases to the local media and official district publications. Directory information can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent/guardian’s prior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class rings or publish yearbooks.
The district has designated the following types of information as directory information: name, grade, school, photograph, participation in activities or sports, and or honors received.
If you do not want any or all of these types of information released pertaining to your child without your prior written consent, please send this request in writing to your child’s building principal by September 15 of each school year.
While the district will honor the request of any parent/guardian or eligible student who has submitted written notification opting their child out of the release of directory information, the district is not responsible for media that cover news happenings, sporting events or other school events that are open to the public, such as plays and musical performances.
Student Records: Access
The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) provides parents/guardians and students who are 18 years of age or older (known as “eligible students“) with certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. Parents/guardians and eligible students have the right to:
Inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days after the day a request for access is received by the school. At the K-8 level, the request should be submitted to the building principal. At grades 9-12 these requests should be submitted to the high school guidance department.
Request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent/guardian or eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights;
Provide written consent before the school discloses personally identifiable information from the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent as outlined below;
File a complaint with the USDOE concerning alleged failures by the district to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA are: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20202.
Student Records: Release to Military Recruiters
In compliance with Federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and the National Defense Authorization Act, the District is permitted to disclose students' names, addresses and telephone listings to military recruiters. This disclosure is subject to a parent's written request NOT to disclose such information. If a parent wishes to opt out of the District’s releasing directory information to military recruiters, or to any other third-party, they must give written notice to the district's High School Principal.
Student Wellness
The Copenhagen Central School District is committed to developing a healthy school that supports student learning and creates an environment conducive to the health and well-being for faculty, staff and all students, while also supporting parents in accomplishing this goal. To that end, the Board of Education has adopted a policy that addresses: nutritional standards of foods and beverages served and sold on school grounds; physical education; staff wellness; nutrition education and student awareness; community wellness and knowledge; and health education.
Student's with Disabilities: Procedural Safeguards & Meal Accommodation
Copenhagen Central School District is required to send parents/guardians of students with disabilities an annual copy of the procedural safeguards and must also provide this notice at the request of a parent. A copy of the procedural safeguards must be made available upon initial referral or parental request for evaluation, the filing of a first request for a due process hearing, or a disciplinary action constituting a change in placement.
The District also acknowledges that parents/guardians of students with disabilities have the right to request meal modifications that accommodate the child's needs.
Student's with Disabilities: Records Retention
Copenhagen Central School District is required to follow the State Education Department's Records Retention and Disposition Schedule of LGS-1, and will retain student records for 6 years after graduation or 6 years after the student attains age 21, whichever is shorter. CCS will also retain lifelong copies of a student's information sheet, the student's most recent IEP (Individualized Education program), evaluation record, and summary record (if created).