From the Desk of the Superintendent:
Scott N. Connell
Dear District Residents,
The purpose of this document is to provide the taxpayers of the Copenhagen Central School District with an overview of the proposed school budget for 2024-2025.
The 2024-2025 proposed school budget is $12,368,425, an increase of $342,001, or 2.84%. We are proposing a tax levy increase of 2.88%, or $53,062. We are able to balance the budget by appropriating $648,191 of fund balance and $150,000 of reserves. Please refer to page 12 of this document to view a comparison of the tax levy trends for the past fifteen years. We would like to use the remainder of this document to explain highlights of the next fiscal year budget.
As many of you are very aware, the majority of the revenue of the district is New York State and Federal aid. As the state and federal aid from the pandemic relief funds comes to an end, school districts across the state are managing the challenging return to pre-pandemic operations. We continue to strategically plan expenditures to maintain a safe, healthy educational environment for our students, staff and community. While those additional funds have been a blessing to our district, students, and community, they have ended, and we must navigate ways to responsibly balance our budget while striving to maintain the influx of services and supports that our district has grown accustomed to. In doing so, many of the supports incorporated into our educational process are now being covered by district monies, thus accounting for a significant portion of the budget increase year over year.
Another budget component that is important to be aware of is New York State’s property tax cap law, which is a calculation that establishes a tax levy limit for each school district. The tax levy limit allows school districts to change their property tax levy from one year to the next by two percent, or the rate of inflation, whichever is less, based on a multi-step formula. In the multi-step formula, school districts must apply inclusions and exclusions into the formula, which may boost the district tax levy limits to more than two percent or the inflation rate. However, such inclusions and exclusions may also reduce the tax cap of the district to figures that are not sustainable or realistic to implement. If a school district’s proposed tax levy increase is within its calculated limit, a simple majority (50% or more) of voters is needed for budget approval. If a school district’s proposed tax levy increase exceeds the tax levy limit, a supermajority of voters (60% or more) would be required for budget approval.
The tax cap this year is 2.88%, which aligns directly to the tax levy increase proposed to support the district budget this year.
The 2024-2025 Annual Budget Review meeting will be held on May 7, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the school cafeteria. There will be an opportunity to ask questions during that time. The budget vote and election will take place at school on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 from 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. in the gym foyer. If you would like an absentee ballot, please notify the District Clerk.
If you have any questions, or would like additional information, please contact the Superintendent’s office at 315-688-4411.