May 14, 2018
Cornell Cooperative Extension has the opportunity to send 10 youth to a free Teen Leader Camp at 4-H Camp Wabasso. It is first come, first served opportunity! Please check it ou...

May 11, 2018
The Hunter Safety Course will be offered again this year! Sessions will be held in the cafeteria on May 30 th from 6 - 9 p.m. and June 1 st 6 - 8:30 p.m. The last session ...

May 9, 2018
Just a reminder of the Annual School Budget Vote in the Gym Foyer on Tuesday, May 15th from 12:00 noon - 8:00 p.m.. Six Day Budget Notice can be found HERE Budget Document ca...
May 7, 2018
Coach Spaulding and Coach Shambo will once again be holding a summer basketball camp for all BOYS entering grades 6-12. There will be a morning middle school session followed by ...

May 7, 2018
The Class of 2020 (sophomores) is doing their final cheese curd fundraiser for the school year. The sale ends on Tuesday, May 15 and delivery will be Tuesday, May 22 . Thank ...
May 4, 2018
Mrs. Muncy's third graders connected with students from Indian River, LaFargeville and Gouverneur schools for a Spaghetti Tower Challenge event! The The objective was to see whi...
May 4, 2018
CCS second graders have begun their ever popular "Egg Hatching" unit. Each year, they virtually connect with Mrs. Groff, our North Country "EGGspert" for fun and informational se...
May 4, 2018
Students in Grades 9-12 participated in an assembly, entitled "Distracted Driving, Deadly Consequences." The event was made possible through Mountain View Prevention Services and...

May 4, 2018
Mrs. Muncy's 3rd grade class recently participated in an essay contest. The students were asked to create a creature of their own invention and write a mini saga about that creat...

May 3, 2018
Modified Boys Baseball Game scheduled for today at Sandy Creek is cancelled and will be rescheduled. Thank you.

May 2, 2018
The Board of Education approved a resolution modifying the 2017 – 2018 C.C.S. instructional calendar to excuse the attendance of students and all staff on Friday, May 25, 2018, ...

April 30, 2018
Varsity Basebal l @ Sackets from April 30th rescheduled to May 3rd at Sackets @ 4:30 p.m.
Varsity Softball @ Sackets from April 30th rescheduled to May 10th at Sackets @...

April 30, 2018
The Spring Band Concert will be Wednesday, May 9 at 6:00 pm in Gym A. Band students in grades 4-12 need to arrive at 5:30 . Students should wear dress clothes (no jeans or snea...

April 25, 2018
The Wellness Committee will once again sponsor the 11th Annual "Run for Alex" on Sunday, May 20th at 11:00 a.m. in the back parking lot of Copenhagen Central School. PLEASE CLI...

April 19, 2018
The Copenhagen Central School Board of Education approved the 2018-2019 Proposed Budget on April 18, 2018. The Annual Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 1, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. ...

April 19, 2018
The Varsity Baseball and Varsity Softball games scheduled for Thursday, April 19th at Copenhagen has been rescheduled for May 15th at home. Thanks.

April 18, 2018
The Varsity Baseball and Varsity Softball games scheduled at 4:30 p.m. at South Lewis today has been rescheduled for May 18th at South Lewis. Thank you.

April 18, 2018
Just a reminder there is NO SCHOOL on FRIDAY, APRIL 20th through FRIDAY, APRIL 27th. School will resume on Monday, April 30th. Enjoy your break!

April 17, 2018
Modified Girls Softball and Modified Boys Baseball scheduled at Alex Bay has been postponed. Varsity Softball scheduled at Copenhagen vs. Beaver River has been postponed. Than...