Career Week Planning is Underway at CCS!
This includes a career event on the afternoon of March 16. If you or someone you know would be interested in sharing your occupation with students in grades 6-12, we would like to hear from you!! Near or far, we welcome professionals to visit us onsite or, for those who are not local, we are happy to arrange for you to remotely connect with our students on that day.
Please contact Mrs. Gillette in our Guidance Office for more information. (315)688-2573 Thank You!

Our February Lunch & Breakfast Calendars have been posted to our website. In addition to the printable menus, you will find up to date Lunch & Breakfast menus available under the "Cafeteria" section on our School Website and Mobile App!

Attention Parents of Elementary Students: A reminder that the Annual Elementary Tubing Day will be held TOMORROW, Friday, January 19th! Kindergarten thru 5th grades will be traveling to Maple Ridge to spend the day snow tubing! Please ensure your child(ren) come prepared for the outdoor fun!! .

The following events scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, January 13th have been postponed: Cheer @ Chittenango; Varsity Wrestling @ Phoenix.

C.C.S. will be dismissing ALL students, PreK-12, at 10:08 a.m. today, January 12th.

Modified Wrestling scheduled at Indian River tomorrow, 1/6/18 is cancelled and will not be rescheduled. Thank you.

Friday, 1/5/18: JV & VB Home vs. Alex Bay
Saturday, 1/6/18: JC & VG Home. Vs. Sandy Creek

Attention Ski Club Members: Due to the cold temperatures predicted for tomorrow evening, Ski Club will begin next Thursday, January 11th.


All after school activities are cancelled today. - Friday, December 22nd.
Merry Christmas! School will resume on Tuesday, January 2, 2018!

Game/Match Cancellations for today, December 22nd: V&JVG basketball home game. VW @ Watertown. Thanks.

Just a reminder: Students will be dismissed today (12/18/17) at 11:30 a.m. for Staff Development this afternoon. There will be PM BOCES. Merry Christmas!

Just a reminder: Students will be dismissed today (12/18/17) at 11:30 a.m. for Staff Development this afternoon. There will be PM BOCES. Merry Christmas!

Cancelled for tonight: VB & JVB Basketball game at Belleville; JVG Basketball game at home verses Belleville; and the Modified Wrestling match at General Brown. Thank you.

Copenhagen School is on a two hour delay this morning. (Tuesday, December 12th). There will be no AM PreK, WeeKnights, or AM BOCES. Thank you.

Copenhagen School is on a two hour delay this morning. (Monday, December 11th). There will be no AM PreK, WeeKnights, or AM BOCES. Thank you.

Copenhagen School is now CLOSED for today, December 8th.

Copenhagen School is on a two hour delay this morning. There will be no AM PreK, WeeKnights, or AM BOCES. Thank you.

The JV & VB games scheduled for this evening (December 7th) with Alexandria Bay has been cancelled and will be rescheduled. Thank you.

All after school activities are cancelled for today, December 6th. The Chorus Concert has been rescheduled for Thursday, December 14th.