Attention Copenhagen community: since the seniors have had a different year than they dreamed of, we are holding a drive by senior class Christmas parade on December 11 to show some senior unity, community pride, and holiday spirit. I will be working on the parade route this weekend, but we would like to see people showing support for these fantastic kids in the Class of 2021️ Spread the word! You can flash your lights, wave from the porch, or just stand in the yard and give them a salute. - Ms. Atkinson
WHO: just Class of 2021
WHEN: December 11--seniors will meet in the top school parking lot at 5:30 to line up and the "parade" starts at 6
WHERE: Go to Doran Road, take a right and come to Route 69, then cross Rt 12 and take Switzer Rd, come down that and turn by the gazebo and back to school. MAP ABOVE.
WHAT: they will dress up and decorate their vehicle
WHY: because we all need fun right now
HOW: the kids will show up to spread some senior pride and holiday cheer but no one can ride in the same vehicle unless in the same household to remain socially distanced